To help application development and delivery professionals choose the best service provider to enable their digital transformation leap, leading research provider, Forrester, has produced a report identifying the 14 most significant vendors of next-generation SAP products worldwide.
The report, The Forrester Wave: Service Providers for Next-Generation SAP Products, Q1 2016, found that IBM, Accenture, Deloitte and Capgemini are leading the pack, with SAP, Wipro, Infosys, Atos, TCS, PwC, NTT Data, EY and HPE described as strong performers and HCL listed as a contender.
The report scored all 14 vendors against 23 criteria Forrester determined to be the most significant when it comes to enabling digital business transformation. The criteria fall into three overarching categories: current capabilities on newer SAP technologies; how the provider’s strategy aligns with buyer demands for digital transformation; and market presence, determined by revenues derived from SAP services as well as projects of more than $5 million completed in the 12 months prior to the evaluation.
Forrester reported that characteristics of top vendors include improved digital services abilities, emphasis on design/consulting and ongoing business innovation, and experience in new SAP products such as cloud and HANA.
The research noted that the business emphasis of next-generation SAP solutions is very different than the solutions of even just a few years ago, with a focus on enabling digital business instead of primarily managing back-office ERP processes.
When it comes to the top performers, the report found that IBM brings the full power of its brand to help clients with large-scale SAP projects, while Accenture excels at large transformations and is pivoting fast to next-gen technology. The report also found that Deloitte excels at business transformation and tax-enabled ERP, while Capgemini excels at the full lifecycle of SAP services.