
TasNetworks chooses SAP for ERP project


Tasmanian power distributor TasNetworks has selected SAP for a significant ERP transformation project, aimed at simplifying business processes, increasing capability and providing analytical rigour.

The contract for the $25 million project, which includes the supply, implementation, integration and support of the SAP platform, has been awarded to SAP partner UXC Oxygen.

TasNetworks was formed in July 2014 in a merger between the Aurora’s pole and line distribution network and Transend’s tower and line network, and the project will be one of the most significant investments undertaken since the merger.

The implementation of an integrated business solution is one of the company’s ‘must deliver’ strategic initiatives, and work will begin immediately. According to the company’s Corporate Plan 2015-16, the project aims to fully align and integrate TasNetworks’ processes and systems, with a focus on core business systems, including:

  • asset planning, operation and lifecycle management,
  • works management and service delivery,
  • procurement and supply chain management,
  • financial performance management,
  • human resource management and payroll, and
  • governance, risk and compliance management.

By removing duplicate systems, having one source of truth for data, having consistent processes and ways of working, and supporting delivery of effective and efficient services both internally and externally to customers, TasNetworks expects the solution to bring benefits in:

  • simplified businesses processes, underpinned by a single, enabling IT platform,
  • assistance in driving an uplift in capability, highlighted by new skills, processes, tools, and systems, and
  • provision of greater analytical rigour and capability “that means we can better measure what counts”.

Lance Balcombe, CEO, TasNetworks, said, “The combination of UXC and SAP provided a compelling solution for TasNetworks. We were looking for a very solid, dependable, highly capable partner with a strong supportive approach and we found that in UXC and the SAP solution they have proposed.”

Cris Nicolli, managing director of UXC, who recently announced he would be retiring from the company in 2016 after 12 years with the company, said, “UXC is proud to have been selected by TasNetworks to assist with the improvement and transformation of their business. The combination of an established track record of successful delivery in Tasmania, the depth of capability in the UXC Oxygen SAP solutions team, the good cultural fit and the strong alignment with SAP as a partner were key differentiators in being awarded the contract.”

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