
Revelation’s Rev-Trac 7.2 embraces parallel development for SAP agility


Rick Porter, Revelation Software Concepts

In an about-face on parallel development, Melbourne-based Revelation Software Concepts (RSC) has introduced parallel development workbench as part of its flagship SAP change control automation software Rev-Trac 7.2, enabling a feature that the original release was designed to protect against.

“The OOPS functionality (Overtake/Overwrite Protection) in Rev-Trac was developed initially to prevent parallel development,” said Rick Porter, vice president, business development, RSC.

“OOPS has now been tooled to facilitate parallel development specifically to support today’s agile development environments,” he added.

The SPS02 iteration of the parallel development workbench provides increased levels of control when deploying into production environments or reapplying changes across development tracks. Initial features include queued parallel development approval, the ability to search parallel developments by object and usability and reporting that displays open approved parallel developments. Additional features facilitate investigation of risks or challenges that could be encountered during the approval process in a parallel development environment.

Queued parallel development provides automated notifications and workflow emails to all users affected by parallel development approvals. Users receiving a lock message can submit their request for parallel development approval into an administrator’s queue, providing administrators with the time necessary to investigate, consider multiple views and make informed decisions.

Future releases of Rev-Trac are expected to include additional features to increase both automation and control over in-flight parallel developments to meet the needs of organisations pursuing agile and dev-ops methodologies in increasingly complex SAP environments.

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