
SNP’s EXA launches new Product Carbon Footprint solution for SAP ecosystem to drive ESG

  • Pioneering solution to forward the Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) agenda for the SAP ecosystem
  • Data-driven approach to decarbonising global value supply chains
  • Democratisation of data enables sustainable, intelligent enterprises
  • Product to enhance SNP’s growing analytics portfolio

 Heidelberg, Germany | Singapore, October 13, 2022 – EXA is an SNP company and leading provider of transformation solutions in financial management that focuses on the areas of operational transfer pricing and global value chains. Now, SNP has announced the launch of EXA’s next-generation Product Carbon Footprint solution: SNP PCF is a cradle-to-gate solution that builds a global bill of material for each product based on finance and logistics data from source SAP ERP systems. This allows to assign carbon emissions to the most granular level of activities such as procurement of each material from external suppliers as well as every value-added activity within the company.

Gerald Faust, MD & CEO, Asia Pacific Japan and Middle East, SNP, says,

“SNP PCF is a new milestone in the continued expansion of SNP’s software portfolio in the SAP environment, which already includes data transformation, data management and analytics. With the new solution, SNP is contributing to the world’s target of reducing the carbon footprint by 45 percent and achieving net zero by 2050.”

Divya Vir Rastogi, CEO and co-founder of EXA, adds, “there is an urgent need for manufacturers to address the challenge of decarbonisation. Proper carbon footprint determination and management not only happens at the level of single products, but down to the level of each individual material and production activity. Only then, carbon emissions can be assigned correctly and rolled up to the product level. While carbon emission values can be secured from suppliers or from LCA databases, companies can assign actual emission values to various activities. Most industry sectors struggle with getting reliable and verifiable data to build global bill of materials to quantify CO2 emissions for their products. SNP PCF delivers the data they need and helps quantifying greenhouse emissions associated with products.”

About SNP

SNP is a world-leading provider of software for managing complex digital transformation processes. Instead of traditional IT consulting in the ERP environment, SNP offers an automated approach using specially developed software: The Data Transformation Platform CrystalBridge(R) and the SNP BLUEFIELDTM approach allow companies to restructure and modernize their IT landscapes much more quickly and securely as well as migrate to new systems or cloud environments more securely. This gives customers clear qualitative advantages while at the same time reducing their time and costs.

The SNP Group has around 1,300 employees worldwide. The company is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, and generated revenues of around EUR 167 million in the 2021 fiscal year. It serves multinational companies in all industries. SNP was established in 1994, went public in 2000, and has been listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since August 2014 (ISIN DE0007203705). Since 2017, the company has been trading as a European company (Societas Europaea/SE).

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